While I realize each individual's needs and suitability are unique, many people have objectives that are similar. Whether to ensure you have the income you need today, funds for college education for your children or planning for retirement tomorrow, it is important to provide a full range of services to address your specific goals. I believe in providing the most comprehensive and personal service available and offer the following:
Money Market Funds
Certificates of Deposits
Brokerage Accounts
Individual Stocks
Individual Bonds - Corporate US & Foreign
Fixed Income-Government-Corporate-Municipal Bonds-Zero Coupons
Unit Investment Trusts
Equity Mutual Funds
Global Flexible Allocation funds
Alternative Mutual Funds*
Variable and Fixed Annuities
Exchange Traded Funds- ETF’s
Limited Partnerships*
Direct Participation Programs*
*Available to accredited investors only
Tax Qualified Retirement
Corporate Profit Sharing
Traditional IRA's
Roth IRA's
Pension Rollovers
Individual Retirement
Tax Sheltered Annuities
Corporate Pensions
Financial Strategies
Current Income Needs
College Education Funding
Retirement Planning Strategies
Business Analysis
Life insurance
Long Term Care
Post Life Planning